EFOR, EFOR About Us, Ethic, Rotary, Rotarians, Fellowship, Ethics Fellowship of Rotarians, Four-Way Test

About Us

Our History

Rotary International by its Action Groups of Fellowship Committee, approved the Ethics Fellowship of Rotarians (EFOR) on June 27th 2016.

858 Rotarians from 72 countries in 32 Zones have up to now joined us, thus agreeing that Ethics is the essence of The Four Way Test. They do their very best to put it constantly it into action every day.

E.g. on May of 2012 a proposition to create an Ethic and Citizenship Committee was approved unanimously at its District Conference of District 4730. After that, the new Committee promoted dozens of Forums and Seminars all around the District, mostly directed to the youth as well as to the non-Rotarian public. It’s particularly important to note that after these meetings many participants approached the organizers exclaiming: “I used to think that Rotary Clubs are just offering wheel chairs, toys and equipment to the people in need, so for me it´s a pleasant surprise finding out that Rotary has in its principles the building of a world in which ethics reign; thus I’m now more interested than ever to join Rotary!’ Their wishes were considered and soon thereafter they were invited to join Rotary.

This our theme call towards promoting Ethics was shared with Rotarians from all districts living all over the world during the Rotary International Conventions (Lisbon, Sidney, São Paulo and Atlanta) and will soon be promoted in those of Toronto/Canada, Hamburg/Germany, and Honolulu/Hawaii, etc., as well as on the occasions of the Rotary Institutes around the world, including Foz do Iguaçu, Buenos Aires, Lima, Natal, Puerto Iguazu, Rio de Janeiro, Atibaia (SP), Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Medellin – These last three are to take place now in September, October and November, 2017.

Always more Rotarians are joining us because they understand that it’s of paramount importance that we live in an always more ethical way, implementing always better The Four Way Test it’s so very important to register understand that as soon as we explain that Ethics is the essence and synthesis of The Four Way Test, Obviously this vision is shared also by the most Senior Rotarians, with, among them Presidents, Directors, Trustees of Rotary International, RIDs, PPRI, PDRI, the Trustees and the Past Trustees of Rotary International.

Considering and aware of the huge importance of Ethics from the very beginning, we were at first seeking to create a Rotarian Action Group, but, as none of the projects we presented had yet been adopted, adapted and developed by clubs and districts up to then, we opted for the obtaining first the recognition to be a Rotary Fellowship, and to then move to transform it into a RAG when the appropriate time will have come, hopefully in the near future.

Mission and Objectives

Establish locally and globally an atmosphere creating always better rotarian fellowship among all members of the family of Rotary who have joined our Ethics Fellowship of Rotarians, and encouraging the realization of projects in education at all levels, always guided by highest moral values, starting from Early Childhood and prioitarizing ethical (moral values) education.

Contribute with all our efforts to spread out actions to improve the Rotary Image, so increasingly making Rotary an object of desire. In other words: redoubling our action aimbed towards inviting people of good character to join Rotary, as well as acting to expand the appreciation of Rotary, intensifying our compromise with to continually use The Four Way Test, always remembering that Ethics is its essence and synthesis.

We have been and continue being active participants at our RI Conventions in order with the aim to offer to all Rotarians the opportunity to join our Ethics Fellowship of Rotarians, with our goal to increase our membership in all Rotary Internatioal’s Zones, and reach at least 3 thousand active members by 2020/2021 and in this way give an ethical example everywhere, which will result in the entire humankind behaving always more ethically!

The interest that the Ethics theme has aroused among Rotarians in general is so expressive that weanticipate a great turnout at specif Breackout Session on Ethics at each of the coming RI Conventions, in Toronto, Hamburg, Honolulu, etc.

If you agree, why not express the desire with to the “Toronto Convention Committee”.

Kindly respond, as we’d greatly appreciate and will welcome your input, suggestions and points of view! Nothing more effective than working as a team. The building of an ethical society depends on a joint the dedication to it, starting from our example. For this to happen, two key ingredients are: Motivation and Interaction. “Give me a lever and I will move the world” (Archimedes). Ethics is the lever capable of doing evenmore than moving the world: it fills it with truth, justice, goodwill, dignity, and integrity and peace. This is our proposal and action for Rotary to make the Difference.

As we together endeavor multiply our energies and actions towards advancing towards an ethical world, we’re yours in Rotary service,


We are a Group of Rotarians who understand that Ethics is the Essence of Quadruple Proof, a Principle that cannot end and if applied to education based on moral values will be able to prevent corruption.

Our mission is to promote Ethics as the Essence of Quadruple Proof for Building a Just, True, Dignified, and Integral Society to make Rotary an Object of Desire.

Education based on ethical principles at all levels from early childhood will contribute to the construction of a true, just, dignified and wholesome society.

Our commitment is to serve humanity by encouraging the practice of ethical principles for building a just and supportive world.

Ethics, a principle that will always need to be lived and taught, especially more and more by example!

Ethics, essence of Four-Way Test!